姓 Family name *名 Given name国家 Country城市 City国籍Nationality母语 Native language宗教信仰 Religion性别 GenderMaleFemale婚姻状况 Marital status最后学历 Highest academic degree obtainedAge出生日期 Date of birth护照号码 Passport No.有效期至 Valid until健康状况 Health condition电话 Tel邮箱 Email目前所在学校或机构 Place of study or work currently职业 Occupation录取通知书邮寄地址 Address for correspondence家庭住址(邮编) Home address(Post code)QQ/微信号 QQ/Wechat account办理签证地 The Place for Handle Visa国家Country城市 City:申请类别 Application type是否通过汉语水平考试 Have you passed HSK test?YesNo现有汉语水平/Chinese Language Proficiency通过汉语水平考试(三级)Passed HSK3 Test通过汉语水平考试(四级)Passed HSK4 test其他 other其他 other是否学过英语 Have you studied English?YesNo现有英语水平/Tick the appropriate box to indicate your current English level.ElementaryIntermediateUpper-intermediateAdvanced申请在湖北文理学院学习的专业 Applied major at HBUAS学习时间 Duration of study所获学历(Certificate)学校(Institutions)在校期间(From)在校期间(To)教育背景Educational Background所获学历(Certificate)学校(Institutions)在校期间( From)在校期间(To)本人工作经历/Employment Record工作单位(Employer)职务及职称(Position Held)在校期间(From )在校期间(To)申请人亲属情况Family Members成员Member姓名Name年龄Age职业Occupation年收入 Annual income联系电话TelUpload filesDrag and Drop (or) Choose FilesConsent *申请人保证I hereby affirm that 上述各项中所提供的情况是真实无误All the information I provided above is true and correct 在校学习期间遵守中国政府的法规和学校的规章和制度 I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese Government and the regulations of China 申请人在递送本申请表的同时,请提交Please send with this form语言进修生所需材料Relative documents required for Chinese Language applicants: 护照复印件One photocopy of your passport 本科生及非语言进修生所需材料Relative documents required for undergraduate applicants: 护照复印件One photocopy of your passport; 最后学历证明High school graduation certificate or equivalent proof of high school diploma 最终毕业学校成绩Ultimate graduation school grades of high school level 个人简介 Personal Profile 无论申请人是否被录取,上述申请材料恕不退还 Whether the candidate is accepted or not, all the application material will not be returned.Submit